Monday, June 22, 2009


Since Friday was such a beautiful day we decided to go to the zoo. Aleecia wanted to take her cousins Erik, Alex, and Bobby. Erik and Aleecia are 8 months apart and are best friends. The kids had a blast going to each exhibit trying to find the animals. Erik had already been to the zoo with his class earlier this year so it was like having a guide telling us about the animals. The zoo is something we try and do each year and Aleecia always seems to have fun. Aleecia is still talking about going back.


Hendricksonblog said...

i probably already told you but I love your hair this way

Grand Pooba said...

The pic of them holding hands is adorable! Awwwwww!

(I like your hair color!)

TammaRamma said...

Looks like fun!

Suzie said...

Fun!! I've been wanting to get my kids to the Zoo this whole spring but haven't gotten around to it. Halle was really sad Aleecia wasn't home to play with though! LOL!

Marissa said...

I LOVE the zoo. I'm sad we don't live closer right now :o( Oh, and you need to post a pic of just you. From what I see your hair looks AWESOME and I want to see it in all its glory ;o)
