Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"Super Siblings"

I thought it would be fun if Aleecia attended a sibling class. Jordan Valley Hospital doesn't provide a sibling class so we had to go to St. Marks Hospital. They had the kids hold a fake baby that only weighed about a pound. When they first picked up the baby the kids thought the baby was heavy (not too reassuring). The kids had to hold the baby while they talked about good and bad toys for the baby. Aleecia was pretty good at holding the baby but I don't think she will be left unattended holding the baby once the baby comes. Then we took a tour of the hospital. Aleecia liked going up and down on the bed and she even got to hear her heart beat on the monitor. They took the kids to the nursery to see a real baby. I think that was my favorite part. They had a little girl baby in the nursery with a pink bow glued to her head. Aleecia thought it was so cute that they put a bow on her head. Once the tour was over they got to make a present for their baby! They drew a picture for the baby and then ironed it on to a bib for the baby!

Here is our Big Sister!

This is the picture that Aleecia drew for her sister. It is a picture of her and her sister and off to the side is a Binky if you couldn't tell.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Valentines Day!

David had to work on Valentines Day so I got to spend it with Aleecia. We spent the day making valentine cards and heart and star sugar cookies.

For breakfast I made these valentine pancakes. She loved them. Now whenever I make pancakes she always asks for the pink ones with the heart.
She loves frosting sugar cookies. We do this every year. This year she wanted to make star cookies too. She gave the star cookies to grandpa and the heart cookies to grandma.

These are the valentine cards we made. The first one was for grandpa. I asked her what she wanted to write and she said "love you". I said you mean "I love you". She told me no she just wanted to say "love you". The second valentine was for grandma. Its a book mark with her thumb print on it. She was hesitant about putting her thumb in the paint finally I persuaded her to do it. The last was for Daddy. I had a bunch of different pink and red paper and she wanted all the poka-dot paper for his valentine. There is nothing like homemade valentines!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Aleecia drew this picture of me! I am mad because her room is not clean. I had no idea I was so mean when it came to cleaning her room I thought it was Dad that got more mad. Of course there is her baby sister nicely tucked inside my belly.

Here is one of the whole family! Notice all the hair on Dave. It cracks me up what her imagination thinks of.

This is my most favorite picture yet. I have been trying to teach Aleecia about where babies come from so that there will be no surprises when her sister is born. When I was younger I was in the room when my brother was born. It was such a great experience that I want Aleecia to experience it as well. This picture is her idea of what to expect. I think I am smiling, we'll see if the picture changes any after the baby is born.

Friday, February 6, 2009


32 weeks! I can't believe how much I've grown!
