Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Distinguished Service Medal

Be it known and remembered: Nurse David Hernandez has been with the Salt Lake County Jail Nursing Department for two years. Even though he has only been employed with the office for a short time, he is one of the primary orientation nurses.
He is depended on to educate new staff and sets the standard for these new employees to follow. Each time Dave is called on to orient new employees, he does this without complaint and with a positive attitude.
Throughout the past year, the unit has had to function at critical staffing levels due to budget constraints. However, any time the unit is desperate for staffing, Dave is always ready and willing to step up and work over time shifts, even on short notice to fill this urgent need. Dave Hernandez is a dedicated employee of the Sheriff's Office and contributes on a daily basis to the mission of the Sheriff's Office and the nursing unit.
Now, therefore, be it resolved, David Hernandez be awarded the Sheriff's Distinguished Service Medal for his exceptional performance of duty and service to the Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office as well as the community.
We are so proud of Dave for his hard work.


The Royals said...

That is so awesome!!!!

Marissa said...

Congrats David! When you work hard it really does pay off, no matter how short of a time you've been there. It never goes unnoticed!
